3x Servers
Commands for clan Leaders, Moderators, Council:
/skinteam - Skins the online members outfits to the same as the person who executed the commnand
Command for members:
/autoskin - Toggles if you want to be skinned or not.
Adds a backpack for extra storage to your player allowing you to hold even more items.
Regular players get a 6 slot backpack.
VIP Players get a 12 slot backpack.
VIP+ Players get a 24 slot backpack.
MVP Players get a 48 slot backpack.
VIP ONLY: Toggle collection directly to backpack, and retrieve items from backpack for crafting, building etc.
Chat Commands:
/backpack or / backpack.open -- Opens BackPack
/backpack.fetch -- Fetches an item from your backpack
/backpackui -- Displays help information about how to use the command, as well as the available button positions.
/backpackui (Left | Right | Off)-- Changes your preferred backpack button position. Set to Off to hide the backpack button.
TIP: Backpack can be bound to a hotkey. Simply open console (F1) - bind backpack.open Example: bind y backpack.open will bind backpack to Y key
On the 3x Servers, you automatically share the blueprints you learn with your teammates.
Note: The blueprints will only share IF they are in the team at the same time
Chat Commands:/clanhelp - Displays help
/clan - Displays information about your clan
/clan create <TAG> - Create a new clan
/clan join <TAG> - Join a clan if you have a invite
Clan Member Commands:/clan leave - Leave you current clan
/c - Send a message to all clan members
Clan Moderator Commands:/clan invite <name or ID> - Invite a player to join your clan
/clan withdraw <name or ID> - Cancel a pending invite
/clan kick <name or ID> - Kick a player from your clan
Clan Owner Commands:/clan promote <name or ID> - Promote a clan member to clan moderator
/clan demote <name or ID> - Demote a clan moderator to clan member
/clan disband forever - Disband your clan
Clan Alliance Commands:/clanally invite <tag> - Request an alliance with another clan
/clanally withdraw <tag> - Revoke an alliance invitation with another clan
/clanally accept <tag> - Accept an alliance invite
/clanally reject <tag> - Decline a alliance request
/clanally revoke <tag> - End a clan alliance
/a - Send a message to all clan members and allied clans
Share cupboard, door, turret, chest and more access with teammates and clan mates
Chat Commands:/share - Opens the share menu for the player running the command
NOTE: Modify your cupboard sharing settings with this command, you can allow or block clan/team members access to your doors, boxes, furnaces etc
Tool that will allow you to remove your constructions/pick up deployales
Chat Commands:
/remove [time (seconds)] -- Enable/Disable Remover Tool DEFAULT 60 SECONDS
/remove <help | h> -- View help
NOTE: There is a resource cost to remove building parts, deployables can be picked up without a hammer. You can only remove items/constructions that YOU have placed
Easily add images to signs
Chat Commands:/sil [raw] - Download the image from the url to the server and display it on the sign you are currently looking at. Specifying the raw argument allows you to ignore jpeg enforcement if that is enabled in the config file.
/sili - Adds currently held item icon to sign or frame. Use /sili default to add that items default skin.
Chat Commands:
/mymini -- Spawn a minicopter
/nomini -- Despawn your minicopter
/fmini -- Fetch your minicopter
NOTE: If you use /nomini to despawn your mini, it gets destroyed and will be put on respawn timer. Be careful in PVP zones, as your mini can crash or be destroyed, and put onto respawn timer.
NOTE 2: Only clan/team members can ride on your spawned mini!
TIP: Use a codelock on your mini to protect against fuel theft!
Allows upgrading of base and changing of building skins directly from the TC.
Simply open your TC and you should see the options.
To change skins, select the new skin, and you need to "upgrade" your base to that material from the TC (You can upgrade to the same material to change the skin)
/bgrade t -- Change the players disable timer
/bgrade 0 -- Disable BGrade
/bgrade 1 -- Enable automatic Wood upgrades
/bgrade 2 -- Enable automatic Stone upgrades
/bgrade 3 -- Enable automatic Metal upgrades
/bgrade 4 -- Enable automatic Armoured upgrades
Examples: /bgrade t 60 - This will automatically set the command to automatically disable itself after 60 seconds.
/bgrade 3 - When you place a new twig piece, it will automatically upgrade it to Metal (If you have enough resources on you
SkinMenu Commands:
/Skin or /S - Live skin any item in your inventory by selecting a skin you wish to apply /SkinCraft or /Sc - Create multiple skin sets for use in other functions such as skinauto or skinteam /Skinitem or /Si - Skin a deployable item you are looking at ingame. Args - Spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set.
Automatic Commands:
/Skincon or /scon - sets all items in a container you are looking at to your default craft set Args - Optional, spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set.
/Skininv or /sinv - sets all items in your inventory to your default craft set Args - Optional, spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set.
/Skinauto or /Sauto - Automatically apply selected skins to every item that enters your inventory based off your skin sets. Args - Optional, spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set.
/Skinteam or /st - sets all items in your inventory and your teams to your default craft set Args - Optional, spectify 1, 2 or 3 to automatically use a skin set. Toggle - Use /skinteam toggle to opt in or out of the team skin set /SkinBase - Allows you to skin all deployables in your base to your default skincraft skins. Args - Optional, specify item name to filter items being skinned example: /Skinbase sleepingbag to only skin sleeping bags. /SkinAll Command - Skin all the items in all the containers in your base. Args - Optional, specify item by shortname example: /SkinAll rifle.ak to only skin ak47's.
Skin Import Commands:
/Skinrequest or /Sr - Request a skin to be added to skinner, requested skins will show in the /Skinrequests UI for approval Args - WorkshopID example: /Skinrequest 2397648701